Thanks for looking at my website. I hope it provided you with some information on The Charter boat Windy and the fish we catch on her. I'm a second-generation charter boat captain, fishing Montauk and the northeast canyons exclusively. I grew up on the Windy, its all I have ever done. Fishing is in my blood. I bought the Windy from my father, after working for him for nearly 20 years. I got the best on the job education one could possibly get from one of the best fishermen to ever fish Montauk waters. We look forward to getting you and your party out there for some of the best fishing this planet has to offer. Captain Jack is fully retired now but the Windy lives on in family tradition and God willing will continue to for years to come.
FROM CAPTAIN JACK: I purchased the first Windy when I was about 20 years old, a 25-foot Lyman. In those days I was strictly a pin hooker. Fishing only for Striped Bass and Porgies around the point. I guess that's where I cut my teeth and got the basics of fishing for a living. Even though Striped Bass are still my favorite fish to catch, The Charter boat Windy now ventures far offshore in quest of Tuna, Sharks and Marlin.
Absolutely my favorite to fish for and catch, the Striped Bass is the most sought after fish on The Charterboat Windy. An extremely wary, hard fighter and great eating makes the Striper the inshore king. Growing to 70 pounds the Striped Bass is a match for any angler. The largest ever caught on the Windy was a 67 pound whopper.
• Striped Bass
• Sharks
• Tuna
• Sea Bass & Porgies
• Cod
The Charterboat Windy is equipped with the latest electronics and is U.S.C.G. certified for up to six passengers.
The Charterboat Windy is a full time business; fishing is what I do for a living and the only thing I do.
— Captain Jack Passie
Absolutely my favorite to fish for and catch, the Striped Bass is the most sought after fish on The Charterboat Windy.
In Montauk we have the best Striped Bass fishing in the world, and because of this we can break the day up by offering combination trips.
91 years young George Rossi brought his family up from PA For a great day of Striped Bass and Fluke,. Grandson Denny had a Flukezilla of 10.2 pounds and George was runner up with a 7.8 pound Fluke
Incredible Porgy fishing at Cherry Harbor yesterday. We did a commercial trip and caught 558 pound of Scup to 41/2 pounds.
From early June through early October Sharks are big, mean, plentiful and a short ride offshore from Montauk. Blue Sharks are the first to arrive, and as the water warms the Makos and Threshers show up.